‘Celebi’ Now Catchable In ‘Pokemon GO’ And How To Encounter It
Several players have been looking for this long-sought mythical Pokemon ever since generation 2 came out. Well, they no longer need to search because it was finally released in the game a few days ago. If you went to go fest, you probably already have one of these green fairy Pokemon. As they were able to complete the field research that allows players to encounter this rare Pokemon. If you have already completed the field research and have Celebi, does that mean you can get two of them? Yes, those who went to Pokemon GO Fest and already completed the tasks that allow you to encounter Celebi, are very much so able to get their hands on a second one; while many other players may not be thrilled to hear that others get two of them. The first Celebi was more of an event only Pokemon at the time. How can you encounter Celebi? Well, It’s a lot like how you encounter the Mythical Pokemon Mew. You have to complete six takes to encounter Celebi. There will be two more tasks you can compl...